Wednesday, 3 June 2009

International Scholarship Education Expo (ISEE)

Student Executive Board of Bogor Agricultural University
proudly present:
International Scholarship Education Expo (ISEE)

Time and Place of Events

Thursday, June 4'th 2009Time : 08.30 @17.00
Place : Graha Widya Wisuda IPB Darmaga, Bogor
The Events are:

* Art and Cultural Performance
* Expo (stand visiting: Japan Foundation, NESO, Euro Management, AISEC, AMINEF, IDP, Campus France, Erasmus Mundus, DAAD, Korea Embassy, Taiwan, China)
* Presentation about Scholarship

Friday, June 5'th 2009
Time : 09.00-17.00
Place : Graha Widya Wisuda IPB Darmaga, Bogor
The Events are:

* Expo (stand visiting: Japan Foundation, NESO, Euro Management, AISEC, AMINEF, IDP, Campus France, Erasmus Mundus, DAAD, Korea Embassy, Taiwan, China)
* Presentation about Scholarship

Saturday, June 6'th 2009
Workshop "How To Compose An English Scientific Paper"
Time : 08.00 @ 12.00
Place : MKDU (Near of IPB Library) IPB Darmaga, Bogor

Expo (stand visiting: Japan Foundation, NESO, Euro Management, AISEC, AMINEF, IDP, Campus France, Erasmus Mundus, DAAD, Korea Embassy, Taiwan, China) and Presentation about Scholarship
Time : 08.00 @ 12.00 and 16.00 @17.00Place : Graha Widya Wisuda IPB Darmaga, Bogor
Seminar "Study Abroad: It's More Than Just An Education"

Time : 13.00-16.00
Place : Graha Widya Wisuda IPB Darmaga, Bogor
Cultural Festival and ClosingTime : 19.00 @ 21.00

Place : Graha Widya Wisuda IPB Darmaga, Bogor

Attendance Fees
Expo + Presentation about ScholarshipIDR 5.000/day plus ISEEs pin
SeminarIDR 20.000 plus 1 day free Expo and Cultural Night entry
WorkshopIDR 30.000 plus 1 day free Expo and Cultural Night entry
You can get the ticket in FAPERTA IPB Corridor or please contact us:
Contact Person

Expo : Sarwar 0856.2412.1817
Seminar : Tika 0852.3337.3625
Workshop : Adam 0856.9722.2767

1 comment:

Melunasi Hutang dengan Bantuan Allah

  Pagi itu datang seorang pengusaha ekspedisi kepada gurunya yang bernama Habib Umar bin Hud Al Attas (almarhum). Pengusaha tersebut me...